Articles and News about Residential Real Estate

Keep Your Home In Tip-Top Shape With This Handy Home Maintenance Checklist

Beyond the initial purchase cost of buying a home, there are other regular financial responsibilities for homeowners. Just like an oil change for a vehicle, there are multiple ways to keep your home in shape to avoid future headaches.

Photo of home in great condition due to home maintenance checklist
Having a home maintenance checklist makes life a lot easier and keeps your investment moving higher.

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Most Expensive Louisville Homes in 2016

During the course of 2016, there were 17,882 properties sold via our MLS system. 15,725 of these were your standard, single-family residences (SRF)… the rest fall under different structural varieties.

Out of this vast array of Louisville real estate properties, just 44 sold for $1,000,000 or more. 34 of these most expensive Louisville homes were SFRs, then 6 farms, 3 condos, and 1 controversial property finally sold via auction.

For this piece, let’s focus on the most incredible homes that traded hands last year. Who’s with me? Want to know which was the most expensive home sold in 2016? Here we go!


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Average Louisville Home Sizes May Be Trending Lower in 2017

With the current national obsession with tiny houses and downsizing, I wanted to see how Louisville is responding. Personally, I haven’t sold a single tiny house, not that there’s a big market for them here. But what’s more, I haven’t even seen one driving around Louisville. Have you?

Attract High-Quality Tenants to Your Rental Home
Louisville hasn’t built homes this small in many years. Is there a new trend for small houses?

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Buying a House That Fits Your Family’s Lifestyle

When looking for a house, there are many factors to consider like price, size, number of bedrooms, age, location, and future value. A large number of home buyers start with their budget but if you are buying a family home for the long run, it might be a good idea to start with what you need first and add in a few “wish list” items. In this piece, we’re going to look at the top three things you need to nail down to find a house that fits your family’s lifestyle. Let’s start!

Photo of a Louisville family home - House That Fits Your Family's Lifestyle
Getting a good deal can be important but even more so, buy a house that fits your family’s lifestyle.

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Selling Equity in Your Home Can Be an Easy Proposition

Selling equity in your home can be the smart move, depending on your situation. Maybe you want to build your dream home. Maybe you want to take that vacation you’ve always dreamed of.

Selling quickly isn’t rocket science. There are tried and true methods to help you get it sold and get your equity out.

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Most Expensive Neighborhoods in Louisville Kentucky

It’s that time of year again! This is one of my favorite articles to write, not exactly sure why. Maybe it’s the competitor in me that enjoys watching how the most expensive neighborhoods in Louisville Kentucky battle it out for top billing.

In 2013, Spring Farm took home first place. The following year it was Glenview. Last year, Harrod’s Glen landed in the top spot… what will it be this year?

Stay tuned and you’ll find out!


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Can I Afford to Buy a Home?

People ask me all the time, “Can I afford to buy a home?” If that’s you, you’ve found the right post! Of course, everyone’s details are different. But, this article will provide you with the framework needed to answer this very question.

Photo of a couple in front of their home
Putting more money down in the purchase of their home is more than just a smart decision, people have learned that it also brings peace of mind.

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8 Things Home Inspectors Will Not Tell You

Buying a new home is a big deal, right? Definitely! Buyers need to get a home inspection. Of course. But wait! What about all the things home inspectors will not tell you? That’s what you have me for my friends. Let’s get started!

Home Inspector spelled out in tiles - 8 Things Home Inspectors Will Not Tell You
Talk is cheap but what matters when it comes to home inspectors? | Photo: Home Water Softener Reviews


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Louisville Mortgage Rates and Your Home Purchase

Mortgages are highly specialized financial products. The actual interest rate you pay will be based on a number of factors. The following are sure to be part of the picture:

Photo of home in Monticello Place Louisville KY. | Photo by Tre Pryor
Louisville mortgage rates play a large role in determining how much home you can ultimately purchase. | Photo by Tre Pryor.

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Tre Pryor’s 2016 Louisville Real Estate Year in Review

Hello, my friends! It’s that time of year again when I tackle my annual Louisville real estate year in review post. I’ve been completing this task faithfully, in one form or another, since 2008. Some you may find at InsiderLouisville while most are here in the LHB archives.

Photo of home in Lyndon for the
Can you remember back to our busy Summer months? It seemed a blur of activity. | Photo: Tre Pryor

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Which Homes Are Selling the Fastest in Louisville?

We have had a remarkable year for home sales here in Louisville. I’ve talked before about how extremely, low inventory levels are but despite that, we’re on the verge of surpassing last year’s incredible total.

Chart of Homes Sold in Louisville by Price Tier
For the year, Louisville home sales are higher than last year. But not in every price tier. I’m looking to see which homes are selling the fastest here in Louisville, Kentucky.

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Most Expensive Homes in Louisville: 2016 Edition

It’s always fun to take a peek inside the lives of the rich and famous, right? Well… it’s that time of year again. We’re going to take a look at the most expensive homes in Louisville that traded hands during 2016. We’ll also see how this year compares to years past.

Photo of 1830 Mayo Ln. Copyright 2015 Listing Agent
It’s fun to look at beautiful homes, right? Of course, it is.

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