8 Tips for Decorating a Small Living Space

Less really can be more. And small living spaces can be comfortable and functional with a little planning. But how do you choose which furniture stays and which will go? If you’re looking for ideas to make your small space more livable, here are eight tips for decorating to get you started.

Photo of home office in modern townhouse
Copyright: epstock / 123RF Stock Photo

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Most Expensive Homes in Louisville: 2016 Edition

It’s always fun to take a peek inside the lives of the rich and famous, right? Well… it’s that time of year again. We’re going to take a look at the most expensive homes in Louisville that traded hands during 2016. We’ll also see how this year compares to years past.

Photo of 1830 Mayo Ln. Copyright 2015 Listing Agent
It’s fun to look at beautiful homes, right? Of course, it is.

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How to Avoid the Stress of Buying and Selling a House

Can I get real for a moment? Yes?! Thanks a bunch!

Photo of a woman stressed out in front of a laptop computer
You don’t have to get stressed out when buying your new home! Learn how to avoid the stress of buying and selling a house and you’ll have a much better experience.

Stress kills. It really does. Avoiding stress should be something all of us should be thinking about. Honestly, we can’t avoid all stress, but reducing it, that we can do. And I’m here to help!


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11 Home Maintenance Tips for Fall in Louisville

Home improvement covers a wide range of topics. Home maintenance tips do as well! I like to break things up into more digestible snacks rather than overload you with everything under the sun. Today we’re looking at just home maintenance tips for Fall in Louisville. How’s that for specific?!

Photo of gutters that need to be cleaned - 11 Home Maintenance Tips for Fall in Louisville
Here’s an example of what you don’t want your gutters to look like.

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6 Cheap Home Improvements for Energy Efficiency

Making your home energy efficient on a budget can seem a little tricky. With Energy Star appliances dominating the name in efficiency, you may think you need to replace all your appliances just to better your efficiency. To learn about this and more DIY projects you can tackle, keep reading!

Photo of a ceiling fan
When it comes to cheap home improvements for energy efficiency, adding a new ceiling fan is definitely one to consider.

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The Benefits of Investing In Real Estate

With all of the investment opportunities in the world today, finding the right one for your particular situation can be a bit difficult. We have stocks, bonds, precious metals, and even cryptocurrency. One of the most tried and true methods of investing in real estate. This piece will highlight the benefits of investing In real estate.

Benefits of Investing In Real Estate
Read through this piece to learn about a few of the benefits of investing in real estate.

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Find the Best Real Estate Agent in Louisville KY

Bit of a bait with that title but stick with me. I’m going to show you how to find the best real estate agent in Louisville with just five easy steps! It’s definitely doable.

First off, how many licensed real estate agents are in Louisville? Well, I used to know. But then our local association changed platforms and now it’s not public. (At least any place I can find.)

It used to be about 3,800 or so. That’s a big number, right? How can we pare that down?!


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Creating a Spa-Worthy Bathroom in Your Master Suite      

Each bathroom in a home holds a different purpose. The guest bathroom should always be neat, clean, and inviting, but also uncluttered. Of course, you want it to look stylish but it should also be functional. Kids’ bathrooms are usually quite whimsical.

Photo of a spa worthy bathroom
Check out this spa-worthy bathroom! Did you see the jetted tub in the reflection?

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5 Mistakes That Are Destroying Our Houses

When you own a house looking after its maintenance is mandatory. Many homeowners make the mistake of not paying attention to signs that tell the health of their condition and end up having to face costly repairs. To keep the maintenance costs down you have to care for preventive maintenance. Let’s look at these common mistakes that are destroying our houses.

Photo of Home in St. Matthews
If you want your home to look this nice for years to come, you need to take good care of it. Read about the five mistakes that some homeowners make and avoid them.

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Top 12 Things Realtors Hate About Home Buyers

Ok people, let’s get real. I write a lot for Insider Louisville, as well as, my own website,  Louisville Homes Blog, but those are more manicured civil locales. On this site? Here’s where things get down to the nitty-gritty, as my Grandma used to say. In this blog, I’ll go behind the curtain to show you what’s really happening in the crazy world of real estate. Today, we’re going to cover all those things Realtors hate about home buyers.

Photo of a woman on her cellphone saying 'Are you kidding me?!?'
There are definitely some phone calls that Realtors do not want to receive.

No holds barred. No rules, just right. With that in mind, let’s jump right in!

Most agents won’t be so open as to share these with you but I feel like you deserve to know the truth. After all, buying a home is a very large decision. I want to know where you are coming from and you should know the same. Let’s make sure we’re on the same page and the entire experience will go much smoother.


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Homearama 2016: Quantity & Quality

Homearama is like a Holiday for me, I simply love it. From the exterior architecture to the latest in interior designs… and it’s all brand new! What’s not to love?

Photo of entry into Homearama 2016 section of Norton Commons by Tre Pryor
I like to arrive early to avoid the rush… but then again so did a couple hundred other folks. | Photo by Tre Pryor

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